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Collaborations and agreements

As a Swedish government body, AP3 is guided by the international conventions and guidelines ratified and supported by the Swedish Parliament. Examples include the UNFCCC with the Paris Agreement, the Convention on Biological Diversity and Agenda 2030.

Lampor som hänger i taket på AP3

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, (SFDR), came into force in March 2021. The main purpose of the Disclosure Regulation is to boost transparency on sustainability issues and to increase comparability between financial market participants with regard to the integration of sustainability risks and the consideration of negative impacts on sustainable development in processes. The AP funds are not directly covered by the Disclosure Regulation but will develop their reporting with the aim of reviewing how the funds can report in line with the new standard set by the Regulation.

Key agreements

The following agreements within the ethical and environmental areas are of particular importance:

  • OECD’s guidelines for multinational enterprises.

  • ILO’s core conventions (on forced labour, child labour, equal remuneration, freedom of association and right to organise).

  • UN’s Declaration of Human Rights and Ruggie Principles.

  • AP3 also encourages companies to adopt the principles of the UN’s Global Compact.

Initiatives and partnerships strengthen the impact of corporate engagement

AP3 works with other investors to increase the opportunities to influence the companies in which the Fund invests. Below is a selection of the initiatives and partnerships in which AP3 is involved. Working with other international investors with a similar sustainability agenda helps increase the ability to influence companies to make positive change and increase transparency in reporting.

Below is a selection of the initiatives and cooperations AP3 is a part of.

  • Climate action 100+

  • IIGCC – Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change

  • PAII – Paris Aligned Investment Initiative

  • ICGN – International Corporate Governance Network

  • PRI – Principles for responsible Investments

  • TPI – Transition Pathway Initiative

  • TCFD – Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure

  • TNFD – Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

In 2016 AP3 signed the Paris Green Bond Statement along with a large number of other global bond market investors to promote green bond issues as a route to financing the transition that climate change necessitates.

Initiativ och samarbeten som AP3 är delaktiga i

Logotyp för AP-fondernas etikråd

Council on Ethics of the AP Funds (Etikrådet)

Finance for BIodiversity Pledge Logo

Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

Nature Action 100 logo

Nature Action 100

logo Climate Action 100+

Climate Action 100+


IIGCC (Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change)

PRI logo

PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment)

Paris Alignes investment initative  logo

Paris Aligned Investment Initiative

Logo  ICGN-Logo Short

ICGN (International Corporate Governance Network)

LOGO ICI initiative climat internationall private equity on climate change

Initiativet Climat International

Logo Task Force on Climate related financial disclosures

TCFD – Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure

transition Pathway Initiative logo TPI

Transition Pathway Initiative

logo ESG Data Convergence Initiative

ESG Data Convergence Initiative

TNFD logo

TNFD – Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Discosures

Hållbart värdeskapande logotyp

Hållbart värdeskapande

Paris 2015 COP21 logo

Paris Pledge for Action

AST logotype

A Sustainable Tomorrow

A Sustainable Tomorrow (AST) är ett samverkansprojekt som ska få hållbarhet att hända. AP3 är en av flera partners där vi vill driva på hållbara affärer som kan driva på omställningen och ge kraft åt andra samhällsaktörer.

A Sustainable Tomorrow arrangerar konferenser, workshops och utbildningar med de främsta nationella och internationella föreläsarna. Allt med utgångspunkt från de 17 Globala målen för hållbar utveckling.

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Fokusområden och mål

To ensure that sustainability efforts are focused on the areas deemed to have the greatest impact on investments, AP3 works with focus areas. Based on the Board’s positions, AP3 is currently working with the following four focus areas: Corporate governance, Climate, Human rights and Biodiversity.
Fokusområden och mål
Medarbetare på AP3 som som stänger en dörr

Intern miljöpåverkan

Respect for the environment is at the centre of the AP3 investment approach. The Fund’s direct environmental impact is relatively small, consisting primarily of business travel, use of energy for office heating and cooling, and waste.
Intern miljöpåverkan
Mönster årsringar brun


AP3’s sustainability work is based on the Swedish state’s values, where democracy, the equal value of all people, the freedom, dignity and sustainable development of the individual are central parts.