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Proactive governance

Engagement generates added value. Well run companies deliver higher returns at a lower level of risk over time. AP3 sets out to make a difference through engagement, action and pressure for change.

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Ownership the key to choice of strategy

AP3 applies different engagement strategies depending on the nature and profile of our investments. We focus our stewardship on areas where we believe we can achieve maximum impact and exert the most influence.

Proactive government illustrated
  • In cases where we own all or a majority of the equity – notably in the unlisted real estate companies Vasakronan, Hemsö and Trophi – we can exert direct influence over corporate strategy through representation on the board of directors.

  • We have a global diversified equity portfolio, the majority of which are outside Sweden, so our share of the equity capital varies from case to case. Our ownership shares are typically small in foreign investees and our scope for exercising influence over these companies’ strategies via active stewardship is necessarily limited. Our stewardship of foreign companies in often in close collaboration with other investors and channeled via the AP Funds’ Ethical Council.

  • The Swedish equity portfolio is also diversified and contains around 130 companies. Because Swedish investees have a greater weight in the overall portfolio, our equity holdings in these companies are larger than in foreign entities.

  • In Swedish listed companies, we exercise stewardship primarily through proactive engagement and participation in nomination committees. Here, the comparatively larger size of our equity holdings increases our ability to exert influence. AP3 also has a strong position in the Swedish capital market, which means our views and feedback have greater impact.

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Elnät i landskap av skog och sjö

Alternativa investeringar

Alternative investments account for around 34% of the AP3 portfolio. They consist of private equity funds, real estate, infrastructure assets, timberland and insurance-related investments.
Alternativa investeringar
En tv-skärm på väggen visar finansnyheter

Räntebärande investeringar och valuta

The fixed income and FX team at AP3 manages the Fund’s fixed income investments, which are subdivided into government, inflation-linked and corporate securities.
Räntebärande investeringar och valuta
Medarbetare på AP3 som jobbar vid dator

Noterade aktier

Nearly half of AP3’s assets are invested in stock markets worldwide. Equity investments have long been a central part of AP3’s management model, and the fund has several experienced employees in the area.
Noterade aktier