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AP3’s portfolio

AP3’s core mission is to create value in the Swedish pension system. By assuming responsibility and influencing the companies that we invest in, we make sure to generate the best possible returns for current and future pensioners.

Mönster årsringar brun

Our asset classes and securities holdings

  • Market value per asset category

  • Listed equities

  • Fixed income investments and currencies

  • Alternative investments

Asset class Alternative investments consists of:

  • Real estate

  • Infrastructure

  • Private equity funds

  • Timberland

exposure per asset category illustration
return/contribution waterfall illustration

Return and contribution per asset class

AP3’s portfolio by asset class, return and contribution. (Currencies include currency hedges and exchange rate effects. Only the contribution to total portfolio return is shown for currencies and other strategies.)

As of December 31, 2023.

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Träd fotat underifrån


AP3 has been investing in different types of insurance-, climate- and weather-related securities since 2008. Holdings include catastrophe bonds, which are traded outside the traditional financial markets. Returns on these instruments have a low correlation with other investments, which means they help to diversify the portfolio.
Ett mötesrum där en dörr öppnas

Uteslutna bolag

Följande bolag är uteslutna från AP3s investeringar.
Uteslutna bolag
Medarbetare på AP3 som jobbar går i kontorslandskap


Five-year summary